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Development of Clients' Strengths in Social Work

Author(s) : Семигіна, Т., Столярик, О.

ISBN: 978-9916-9969-7-3

To cite : Семигіна, Т., Столярик, О. (2024). Розвиток сильних сторін клієнтів соціальної роботи: Посібник. Таллінн: Teadmus. 257 c.

Annotation : The handbook provides an overview of key elements of the strength-based approach for clients and introduces practical methodologies used within this approach. The handbook can be utilized in the educational process for the training of students specializing in Social Work (major code 231) and for the professional development of social work practitioners. It is also applicable to practitioners in the planning and implementation of short-term structured interventions.

Keywords : social work, structured interventions, individuals' strengths, strength-based approach.