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Social work with families children with autism: A strengths-based intervention

Author(s) : Olha Stoliaryk, Tetyana Semigina

ISBN: 978-9916-9813-3-7

To cite : Столярик, О., Семигіна, Т. (2022). Соціальна робота із сім’ями, які виховують дітей з аутизмом: інтервенція з розвитку сильних сторін [Монографія]. Таллінн: Teadmus, 188 с.

Annotation : The monograph analyzes the strategies of social work with families raising children with autism. Considerable attention is paid to the conceptual substantiation of the features and methodological principles of using an approach focused on family strengths as a theory and technology of social work. The book covers content of the program for the development of parents’ strengths that was implemented in 2020-2021 within the educational rehabilitation center "Dovira" (Lviv). The findings form the programme piloting evidence its effectiveness. The programme could be used in social services, the specialized state and public organizations. The publication is intended for practitioners of social work, graduate students and social work teachers.

Keywords : social work; empowerment; client strengths, strengths perspective, intervention; family; needs and interests of children; adult education; disability; autism; social integration; accessibility; social inclusion; mental health; quality of life.